Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Friday, August 15, 2003

Currently suffering from Hey Fever-induced... fever, and the inevitable sleep deprivation. So just some random musings for today:

The trouble with philosophy: thinking about being is not the same as simply being.

We cannot learn when we assume that what we know now is {our} absolute truth. Life is change. We are here to grow, here to do.

Time is food for the flower of change.

Tired of looking 'boyish' {'fresh faced', too much hair, far too skinny}.

The urge to look as 'normal' as possible.

The fact that I'm missing a certain someone, and her beautiful, brilliant mind {not that the rest of her isn't brilliant and beautiful, it's just I'm missing the brainy bit at the moment}. The perils of moving away.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

Yesterday, I spent an entire afternoon dismantling my fried PowerBook G3. I managed to dismantle the entire thing, install a new motherboard, and put it all back together again with no problems. Surprised myself in this - as I'm pretty much the most accident-prone, untechno-savvy person I know.

Naturally, once assembled, the thing still didn't boot up {sorry to get all 'technical' here - it's just that it's a good example of my infamous 'Negative Midas Touch'}. So now I have to find the cash for a new processor.

And so, after an hour or so of attempting an existential sulk with my head under a pile of clothes, curled up beneath my desk, I was left feeling kind of good about the fact that I'd at least tried to sort the thing out. Ultimately I have to remind myself that it's not the end of the world, it's just that I'm so tired of pretty much everything I come into contact with going wrong.

I don't know whether it's to do with growing up a little, or the whole Objectivity / Fourth Way thing, but I don't get down like I used to. A couple of years ago dealing with broken computers, moving home etc. would have left me a miserable little ruin. Now I know that none of it's really that important. "In the moment, but not of the moment." And that's enough moaning.

"Children and animals alone have the property of pure magicality. They do not philosophize." Margaret Anderson, The Unknowable Gurdjieff.

Some links:

The fabulous imaginary technologies of World Power Systems.

The ever-wonderful world of Seze.

Erin Bauer interview. {Because I really need to get over my crush on this woman!}

My labour of lurve: spoken word mp3's!

Scholtz Vitrine News.

And not forgetting the Zero Gravity Toilet.

Rollo. "You know... for kids!"