It made me smile and it made me cry. I have not looked at the world in the same way since reading It . It's about everything: It's about being human. It's about perception, life, death, suffering, joy, and pain. It's on sale at a reduced price - it's a comforting, dynamic, inspiring read, especially at a time like this. This has to be one of the best books I've read: a much needed Zen slap. A head splitter. It's called The Key and I've been unable to put it down for longer than a couple of days since I bought a copy over four months ago.
"He makes things so incredibly clear, and some of his ideas, because they are so new, are somehow, at this time, deeply comforting. It is wonderful to see, in this dark hour, that we have a path ahead of us, that there are higher levels of spirit and self still available to us. He makes all this so very clear. "
Finally getting some music up again: crimewave by MeMePleX PriMe. I'm working on a music index page at the mo - thinking about doing mostly realaudio as I think the crap quality could create a nice 'shortwave radio' vibe. Hopefully going to do Radio Scholtz Vitrine so we can have 30 minute streaming chunks. As soon as we get the music sorted out.
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