Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Saturday, January 26, 2002

"I lost my girlfried to it [skry]. She's still around, I've seen her, but she's not the same person any more. Even her name's different, you know what I mean?"

"If you meditate in the manner prescribed by [Gurdjieff], dividing your attention between inner and outer life—forming what he called the ‘double arrow’ of attention—you become able to see when others are doing this as well. " Whitley Strieber

"Creativity isn't the monopoly of artists. This is the crucial fact I've come to realise, and this broader concept of creativity is my concept of art. When I say everybody is an artist, I mean everybody can determine the content of life in his particular sphere, whether in painting, music, engineering, caring for the sick, the economy or whatever. All around us the fundamentals of life are crying out to be shaped or created."

Joseph Beuys: 1979, From an interview with Frans Hak
