Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

"You know something's wrong when you start causing yourself pain and enjoying it."

He likes to suggest that he was the resident hard-man at school. He likes telling people that he was expelled. But it's not true. Most of the other kids used to tease him until he bled: I liked the one about his brother being some kind of cheap self-assembly robot: a waddling, helpless dependent, always one step behind and calling out Dean's name in a cheap-speaker voice.

So the best year's of Dean's youth had been spent with that thing trundling behind him, until Dean grew up enough to out-run him.

He's never forgive me for enjoying that one. I guess he simply hasn't gotten around to persecuting the rest of our year yet.

Rollo Kim.