Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Tuesday, July 17, 2001


My research for a new rant about ArtCrime leads me here Subvertise. Everything else seems to suggest that the two are not compatible.

"The Situationists believed that the acts of madmen [and women], the actions of criminals and revolutionaries were of more value as instances of creativity than those of any artist or performer. They believed that instances of chaos held more power, said more about life, held more magic and mystery than any art form ever could."

Squant: a new sprimary colour?Oh, and it has it's own scent too...

"Now, a little more about the color squant itself. I must admit I have not actually seen the color, in color, myself. So far, there have been only black and white photos of the color in the Mindinaw newspapers which, unfortunately, are not quite up to the standards of USA Today."

Darkfall: a game inspired by the marvellous Saphire and Steel.

And hello to former alcoholic gothpunkers Pushka: the manic, groovy electronic duo who made living in Crewe almost endurable.

I've started working on [MilK], writing about a kind of aspiring 'crime duo' couple, a criminal landlord, The Cafe Continental, and The Girl With The Gun. I'll hopefully get some previews up by the end of the week.
