Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Friday, June 28, 2002

Audio Eclipse May Fill the Sky

On Sunday, I was hit by a car. Again.

Saturday, March 11, 1978

I had a lot of dates but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows.

Thursday, July 27, 1978

After work I just stayed in. Watched 20/20 and instead of saying, "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes," it was so funny to hear Hugh Downs say, "As Andy Warhol once said, in fifteen minutes everybody will be famous." People on TV always get some part wrong, like - "In the future fifteen people will be famous."

Andy Warhol.

"I play, and I am played."


And I know how he feels.

"He is at present creating a major library of Natural
history recordings for a world-wide charitable organisation,
and has a deep distrust of seaweed and
Belgian beer."

Hafler Trio.

And I know how he feels too.


Wednesday, June 26, 2002

In the future, everyone will become physically 19 or 20

For Christmas, his parents gave him a small toy piano. Seeing it, Michel asked for a hammer, then smashed the plaything to pieces.

SilkMilk Clothing Season

One last time, we sat up and waited for the sun, that came like the credits of a film that had run all night, unscrolling across the horizon line of the fire escape, the rippling wreckage beneath it.

Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

Something really scared you? And it wasn't just finding that your body isn't indestructible?

My job is to clear away the classical and post-classical linear thought and bask in the pre-patriarchal - that is returning us to Metaphor and Visual Allusion. For that is the way in which Human thought and Culture began, and all that 'superseded' it was merely pasted on top.

Julian Cope

This is the last time I'll ever wake up with my arms around the toilet. I hit my head on the pan when I was being sick, knocked myself out. I won't be doing that again either, at least not here. Standing over me, Dave is delighted.

"Look at the state of you." He stands above me for a great deal longer than he really should.

And for the first time, it doesn't effect me. A wave of fear washes towards me, but passes me by, untouched. I meet his gaze for a moment, indifferent, and in another moment I'm falling back to sleep.

It's a fine night tonight, it's going to be a fine day tomorrow

Opus III

"You've broken something really important in me, I think." I tell her.
"And you're all the better for it aren't you?" She says
"I guess so. But I still feel bruised."
"Sticks and stones will twist your bones, but names will hurt forever."

"Rhythm and melody... these are such 20th Century notions."

"These days I'm very much concerned with the therapeutic aspects of sound - what can sound do for us? How can it enrich our lives? Sound, to me, is like food, sex, sleep. It's vital, it's complicated, and we still aren't really sure about what kind, and how much of it, is actually good for us. And I don't wear a watch." Erin Bauer.


Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Jim Morrison: "fat dead guy in a bath"

Thoughts that came to me in the night:

• I've never been the kind of date to shave legs over.

• Kids are full of joy, but we soon put a stop to that.

• I've decided to do myself in.

I've rigged the phone up so that the next time it rings, it'll kill me.

Triggered by the telephone's infantile whine, a simple system of pulleys, levers and circuits robbed from the innards of the TV, the radio, and a fishing kit I found in the loft, will transform the armchair into the instrument of my death.

It takes me several days to come to the conclusion that I don't know enough people for the plan to succeed. And no one I know has access to a telephone, at least no one who knows where I am.

Is this wild dream of space, the breaking shell,
man, to free, at last, your dreaming soul?

Aline Carter (1892 -1972): Doubt Not the Dream

A bottle of Lucozade and Vodka floats home. I'm passing harmlessly melancholy songs at the windows of the flats on the high street. As long as I don't have to go home and watch Eastenders I'll survive.

Beside the phone: the pewter jug in which they kept the safety pin he'd swallowed when he was six, rescued from the pan

A group of local kids offer to beat me to death, but their hands are too small to do any permanent damage.

"How many times have you seen some skinny mother with her ale-bellied slob husband? It's so standard nowadays that most people don't even see it. But it is pure slavery."

Julian Cope

On Tuesday, I am hit by a car. But the driver doesn't hang around long enough to finish the job off. The force of the collision seems to push my consciousness out of the back of me, and out into the air, where I can see several of my teeth, scattered symbolically on the pavement next to my head.

"Hot water is my native element. I was in it as a baby, and I have never seemed to get out of it ever since. "

Edith Sitwell

He played the villain, in this movie, about the life of a villain. He came to town to sign autographs. Confusing fiction and reality, several dozen locals proceeded to hang him, by the neck, from the nearest lamp post, until he was dead. All charges were dropped.

I was so small and vulnerable
and you were only beautiful


This morning, stepping out of the power house, I was hit by a woman driving a car. Fortunately for me, she was only driving one of those immobility scooters, and only doing about 4 miles an hour. But she drove over me anyway. I lay there dazed for about twenty minutes, every bad thing that had ever happened to me came cueing up around me, taking it in turns to drench me. I was eventually saved by Scott Walker as he came inching around the corner, singing.

"It's a beautiful night, yeah..."

Call me.
