Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Saturday, July 28, 2001

I only went out for stationary. Ended up bumping into MC Noize, spending scary amount of money on vinyl, too much booze and not enough food. The Brass Eye Special [unbelievable!]. Friday, projectile vomiting from an empty stomache. Sleep. An urge to look up sites about 'survival' without much results. Listening to a load of old 12" at last, make an easy peace with my stomache [yesterday all I could manage were two Ribenna frozen-lollie efforts and one slice of cold [wheat-free] toast...

More later.


Thursday, July 26, 2001

Jeff Noon, John Hegley and a girl named Vita

So the site goes down on the day the quarterly invoice arrives. Irony? And I want to get some new MP3's up but I don't have the time. Got some lovely new things for you, oh yes!

Traffic with breakbeats
Singing with traffic
guitar and traffic

would you like traffic with that?

The point is... I forget... erm...

I'd tell you the truth but I promise you would not believe me.

Two things of interest today. One, I think I've subconsciously based my entire persona on John Hegley: the hair, the mix of mundane and eccentric, the recurring themes - even the dogs... He's got nice taste in suits too.

Two, Jeff Noon. Because I read Cobralingus recently and it's not very good. No, I mean, it has some great concepts, but it seems somehow stiff, unpoetic? But that's just me - I like it lose and fluid - but apparently that's exactly what Mr Noon wants to do with words - turn them into a liqid.

If Codex Books will publish it then surely I've a chance? I'm not 'sampling' material - my work is set out a little more conventionally, and it's a lot closer to a 'story' than bites of txt. Also, Jeff Noon used to have a thing about dogs too, and jam, which I was always going on about, even using this character called Jamboy [based on me own childhood superhero identity!?].

In the post this morning I also receive a photograph of Vita, a young lady who doesn't actually exist.

'I think this is vita,' reads the attached note, 'she has very big eyes!'

11:00pm News; The Adventures of John and Tony By John Hegley. Four comic journeys in which John and his best friend Tony search for happiness, love, the meaning of life and glasses. 1: `A Tale of Two Tenting'. John and Tony go camping with Herman Hessian - the dog made out of an old potato sack. They take their bikes and the scoutmaster's manual, which seems to be having a strange effect on Tony. With John Hegley and Simon Munnery. Director Anne Edyvean.

And more to the point, I've missed Giles Peterson again haven't I?


Monday, July 23, 2001

Good morning class, if I may turn your attention to the following little trailer: we are not afraid of you. I have no idea what it is yet but they're using my space to do it in. And that's just fine as long as they keep the noise down to a minimum. [I get to do the graphics though and at least I don't have to write the entire thing!] They wanted banners like 'our demands' and 'documentation', so who knows! Why am I doing this? Because I enjoy it and it makes me want to suggest that escapeart is just a front for some kind of secret art-crime organisation [like that bonzai-come-money laundering store in Stoke - you remember!]

And further headlines:

US based Invisible and self-styled 'media assassin' Mr K Talbot has abandoned his plans for [after promising 'fireworks and memebombs', and beating me to registering the domain name when I happened to mention that there were bands that kind of enjoyed elements of punk, jazz, psychadelia and the likes of The Prisoner]. So here at escapeart we are gonna put up our pages , even though they're not quite finished, because they look cool and his really were awful [sorry Kev!]. You cannot create a culture and expect people to pay for it, but you can create and celebrate your own. It's just a name. Just an excuse to link you on to some cool bands.

A friend and me have both been having these odd fits of emotional intensity. Crying for no apparent reason - she's been welling up due to working 24 hours a day and living on nothing but baked beans and cigars, I've been welling up over odd bit of news or music that isn't necessarily emotive, and have no idea why.


Sunday, July 22, 2001

The makers of The Gladiator are producing the film version of Whitely Strieber's latest book. Sadly, it's not The Key , it's The sequal to the Hunger - but at least that's something! His homepage is well worth checking out for daily news updates on the weird and wonderful goings on of the world:

[He] stands there leaning against an air conditioner outlet in a hotel room for an hour or so. He looks perfectly normal and accessible. But then I can never find him again. Or the people who showed up at my cabin to meditate with me. I was with them nightly in full and normal consciousness all the time. The cats reacted to them as if they were real. They used the bed in the guest room. BUT, if you tried to come up on them--out they went through the wall.

Can you imagine, seeing such things and living with them daily, and then not being able to prove it to anybody else? It drives me up a wall, because I know that there is so much more to this world, that we are capable of such grand things, but I see us mired down in greed and politics and ridiculous, pointless trivia, and I can't do much of anything to wake people up, except make a little noise for a little while, they go my way.

Whitely Strieber.

cool journal entry about the Man From Toronto.

Merz News:
Star In His Eye.
In an attempt to break from the isolation of writing his next album, Conrad [Merz] recently applied to appear on the TV show Stars In Their Eyes impersonating Merz but was rejected on the grounds that "the chosen act was not famous enough".

Is everybody having a good time?


Thursday, July 19, 2001

"Biologists often say that sex never should have happened"


Wednesday, July 18, 2001

I cannot trust my mouth
to speak up for itself.
I has a tendency to run aground,
to reverse its way
down dead end alleyways
with its lights out,
smiling, eyes closed.

It just doesn't know what it's talking about.

When I'm silent,
I'm at least standing next to the real me,
in a que.

Christ - have I joined the ranks of poetry writing web-loggers ? I think not - I'm not listening to Ash, nor am I shopping for shirts that cost me more than this mac, or throwing dinner parties. And this is NOT a diary! And I'm not a student. And I'm not certainly not beautiful or rich.


Yes it's TOTP II time again... this week sees Midge spraying his guitary-wank love-juices all over Fade To Grey for some reason... kind of sounds like your local pub band... And I can't understand why they always play one utterly weak new-country track each week. Country is the one form of music that I simply cannot appreciate.

Ha ha. Radiohead: when they really were a bag full of posh cunts. That's Radiohead: posh cunts. An upper-class A level student's Nirvana. 4ucking Tarts.


It's 1.35 am. Don't want to sleep. Want to do stuff:

TxT index.

Had the urge to make a really bog-standard, artless page of 'random stuff': static: [lo-fi] 'for those sleepless nights' [just randomly spliced together from whatever I've been staring at for the last hour]. Might keep it up until it floods.

"Oohhh... Scott Walker.... fallen..."


Tuesday, July 17, 2001


My research for a new rant about ArtCrime leads me here Subvertise. Everything else seems to suggest that the two are not compatible.

"The Situationists believed that the acts of madmen [and women], the actions of criminals and revolutionaries were of more value as instances of creativity than those of any artist or performer. They believed that instances of chaos held more power, said more about life, held more magic and mystery than any art form ever could."

Squant: a new sprimary colour?Oh, and it has it's own scent too...

"Now, a little more about the color squant itself. I must admit I have not actually seen the color, in color, myself. So far, there have been only black and white photos of the color in the Mindinaw newspapers which, unfortunately, are not quite up to the standards of USA Today."

Darkfall: a game inspired by the marvellous Saphire and Steel.

And hello to former alcoholic gothpunkers Pushka: the manic, groovy electronic duo who made living in Crewe almost endurable.

I've started working on [MilK], writing about a kind of aspiring 'crime duo' couple, a criminal landlord, The Cafe Continental, and The Girl With The Gun. I'll hopefully get some previews up by the end of the week.


Monday, July 16, 2001

The Barbelith Zine has published my article on Old is the new young. Thankyou ToM

“The longer the bones, the more likely the person was taller...”

coming soon: John Lydon presents 21st Century Heretics [UFOS and stuff!]

John Lydon: Tony Blair is an arsehole. He is the worst kind of Tory and for him to win by a landslide means Britain is sliding off the cliff permanently. You lose your British pound and the White Cliffs of Dover will become a politically incorrect statement. Remember, Tony Blair is public school for some... Each generation should have its own sound. And we cannot live, and hide, in others' personalities. Be your own, and you will be true to yourself. That is the original punk sound...The skill is in creation not duplication. The root core of that is honesty.


Zenith has lead me to the following snippet of dirt:

eMpTyV:"Most recently, Kelley Deal has reportedly teamed with former Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach to form The Last Hard Men."

I used to think Kelley Deal was ace - what the fuck is she doing loitering with that squeeky, cowboy-boot wearing, poodle-haired, whiney-voiced, stunted homophobic twat?

Uncomfirmed Reports
Former Rock Gods The Sisters of Mercy are rumoured to be working on new material for the second S Club Seven album. An S'Club Spokesperson reported: "Yeah, we're hoping that this collaboration will introduce a certain sense of depth into the group's sound. We've always felt that 'The Club had this underlying sense of the tragic - that kind of tragic-romantic thing that both bands have. There's definitely some common ground between the two..."

Robbie Williams is set to record an album of 'Screwdriver Tribute Songs'. Robbie claims that the National Front - affiliated rock band have always held a special place in his record collection. And Robbie's from Stoke too, so what more evidence do you need to prove that he's a Nazi?

Geri Spice is also rumoured to be starring in the next Spielberg project, as ET in the sequal to the multi-billion dollar movie, and that.

Other stuff has also been rumoured to be going on, but to be honest I don't actually give a shit.


Friday, July 06, 2001

Where is Liz Fraser? .

It's Saturday and it's cold chicken corma and wheat-free Orio's for breakfast.

MC Noize sent me in the direction of this site : 'The British Conservative Catholics. Very odd. If it's a joke then it's a pretty commited one. From their Spice Girls shocking truth article:

"When I began investigating the Spice Girls I was unaware of the depravity I was to encounter. I can now reveal to you what I found out, a list of shocking exclusives that includes:

* None of the Spice Girls are sisters!

* Posh Spice's and David Beckham's plans to produce a family of übermensch!!"


Had an evening out in this weird little Indi bar, full of snotty little new-goths and skate-boutique-punkers. These people CANNOT dance for toffee! Which made me look cool for once. Tee-hee. Go away. We make film.

"Sure baby, I love it when you feed that rubber tube down my throat..."
"Dammit but I don't want you' like it!"

why we never DO Boldy Go Beyondy ANYWHERE

With CGI and computer-rendering technology making an increasingly convincing job of liquifying pixels, where anything is possible and always looks better than the real thing , I'm left wondering why we never actually do get to see the impossible , even the unlikely... or at least something unique , something genuinely un-earthly . But no, we get the same old dated-looking evil space-robots attempting to destroy our planet and turn us into slaves [like we can't do that ourselves!]. We get Manga haircuts and eighties-style chromium-eyesabalze-robots that simply kill anything they come into contact with. Will someone please put the toys [or at least the storylines] that create these things in the hands of someone with a little originality.

Lara Croft = this years most expensive car advert.

Paul Couling, alias Stan L'homme makes a welcome return. You need his nice photography to make you feel special again.

Now the neighbourhood fox family are kicking up a fuss again. Too much cheap lager.


Tuesday, July 03, 2001

figure1. men with shoes

I've spent the last two solid days and nights sleeping. post-modernism in a can? Or Michael Atavar? Tony Clifton or Andy Kaufman? And if I'm getting so good, at clearing out my head, then why am I dreaming about Eastenders?

Good night.
