Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Just the Facts Moon

In the early days, before I tried to get away, my parents ran this Hotel that was racist. My parents were nice enough, but the Hotel had a problem with strangers, particularly foreigners - it seemed to feel more justified in resenting foreign visitors: helping them to get lost by moving its doors and corridors around them, flooding their rooms, flooding the corridors so that they would be forced to wade their way to the bathroom, or leap from one section of dry carpet to the next.

In the end, they were forced to close the place down, even when it promised to mend its ways, it even let the flowers grow in the window box above the entrance hall. But it was far too late, the building had earned itself a reputation. Hauntings, I guess, are kind of good for business, but not sexism, not xenophobia. Believe me when I tell you that you simply cannot make a living from a Hotel that only welcomes locals.

Rollo Kim.

Monday, March 25, 2002

When Sorting it Out feels like Being Dumped

Ever found yourself in a situation where it suddenly occurs to you that you've made someone else feel incredibly uncomfortable? And then trying to work out how you did it, in the hope of undoing it?

Like the time you accidentally told your boss that you love your job, despite that time you tried to trap their head in the filing cabinet, and the awful, metallic croaking sound you made when you tried to laugh it off and make out you were just joking; or the time you were invited to a 'party' only to find that you were the only one who mysteriously had not arrived dressed as a Nazi, and the way they all looked at you, each one of them silent; or when you suddenly realized that you had been singing along to your walkman on the train; or wetting the bed the first time you slept with someone new.

Is it because you have said too much, or is it because you have not said enough? Could be either. Could be due to the fact that you were caught attempting to fake your own death, or caught in your neighbour's garage, dressed as the guy from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. At least with these things you know where you went wrong. I just feel as though I've been in some kind of slow-motion car accident. I haven't been this moody in years.

Right now I'd like to have some kind of expertly crafted mask of my face made, complete with patches of dry skin, blotches, grey bits, scars, intermittent stubble, glassy eyes that I don't have to look out of, and life-like bags beneath them. And when their attentions are all turned, I can slip it on, emphasize that nothing funny is going on by crossing my legs, tapping my foot in the air, admiring the view with my fake Madame Tussaud's eyes, and keeping my molded mouth firmly shut.

Rollo Kim.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

For a Personalized DADA reading enter the pertinent information

Your secret name is ovoid.
The animal which symbolizes you is smokey .
The color of your soul is Thadeus .
The celebrity you most resemble is sloth .
Your special pain or illness is parched [my favourite that one].
Your most important time of day is howard stern .
The shape of your life is intangible anguish .
And the flavor which identifies you most is 04:20 .

Rollo 'Blago Bung, Blago Bung' Kim.

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Were you the 1000th escapeart punter?

Damn. For a minute there is actually looked like my site was about to be transfered. Three months later...

Your hoast, Rollo Kim!

Tips for Homeless

"He was trying to figure out ways to survive without a place to live, and without relying on shelters. He had the idea of buying a one-year gym membership that was not too expensive (equal to his current month's rent), which would give him a locker, a place to shower & wash everyday, and an indoor place at which to spend some of his time (exercising). Also, he planned to rent a post office box and thus still receive mail regularly. The author also figured if he did some volunteer work in a hospital, he'd be likely to receive some free meals, as well as enjoy the sense of purpose and social contact. He also theorized he could spend lots of time at the library, and that he would try to keep track of gallery openings to take advantage of the free wine, cheese, and culture. "

Time is cruel. Time seems to stop. Time seems endless. Meaningless. It's just there to take the piss. You need one book that you know you really need to read but don't want to. Toothbrush. Toothbrush. Toothbrush.

You would be amazed at how much blog time you can achieve when your own Mac / PC's die the death. Slightly annoying not being able to access your homepage mail though [sorry escapeart!] . So greetings from the cyber cafe of your choice [all I need is half an hour on a Mac / iMac power supply and I can revive my Mac once again. Two weeks and counting.] Funny how your Mac based f[r]iends are busy when you need a flavour. For weeks on end.

Rambling Rollo

Saturday, March 16, 2002

Woman hits man with car, drives home with him hanging through her windshield.

A woman has been charged with murder for hitting a man with her car, and driving home with the man still attached to the windshield, where she left him to bleed to death. The man's legs were broken, but he suffered no fatal injuries and was still conscious and pleading for help. It took two days for the man to die.

"She sat there and cried and kept telling the white male that was sticking through her windshield that she was sorry," the report says. "She said that the man would respond to her, but she could not hear what he was saying … She was lying on the kitchen floor and crying … Chante kept going in and out of the garage telling the man she was sorry."


Friday, March 15, 2002

What a complete bottomer.

Do your eyes light up at the site of a union flag? Then piss off. What has your country ever really done for you that it could not have done a whole lot better?

In today's news, why the hell have Charlotte Church's management decided to make her look like a towny coke whore on a night out to her local Ritzy's 'nightclub',[and don't tell me that's what she wants, it's not her decision], my News Agent demands a urine sample, and financially, I've reached that point where I feel guilty if I buy an extra packet of crisps or a newspaper...

I'm watching TV. It's starting to make sense. Something must be wrong. Even with my coat on it's still freezing in here. Ha ha - it's one of those swallow-tailed mod-squad green efforts. I laugh because I used to know mod-heads who'd kill for one. Ha ha - I insult you with my bad, accidental Punk haircut and shite clothes. And the bloody marvellous moment where the priest's are doing their Kraftwerk thing in the town hall in that episode of Father Ted.

She's only sixteen for 4uck's sake! She dressed up to look like she's in her thirties and loving every minute of it. Just likey Britney, where is the dignity in promoting [dodgy[ Christian values whilst cavorting in a skin-tight rubber outfit with a snake round your neck?

"Fate is life lived, accident is life let pass" [The Key]


Monday, March 04, 2002

The Salesman: a Situationist Man in a Suitcase

"Various writers, actors, musicians, artists and politicians, for instance, are almost without exception sick people/ And what are they suffering from? First of all from an extraordinary opinion of themselves, then from requirements, and then from considering, that is, being ready and prepared beforehand to take offense at lack of understanding and lack of appreciation... simply being unwilling to restrain him [or her] self."

G.I. Gurdjieff.

In a world where an insincere smirk and an ability to replicate other people's ideas are the only qualifications anyone needs to succeed in their chosen field

In a world where only those commited to self gratification, self fulfilment and self publicity are rewarded

In a world where consumerism is the cure for all ills

In a world where only the ignorant have any rights

In a world where physical wealth is more important than mental well being.

In a world where we justify mass murder in the name of God, whilst proclaiming God creator of life.

In a world where we frown upon any form of conviction or desire to learn

In a world where we are not permitted control of our own bodies, our own thoughts

In a world where sexuality can be perceived as a sickness

In a world of one form of education for the rich, and one for the poor

In a world of one form of medical help for the rich, and one for the poor

In a world where we place the importance of mindless, personality free 'stars' above our own

In a world where product is all

In a world with no change in sight

In a world like a sinking ship

In a world where we deify the ignorant, the greedy, the selfish, the vaccuous, the cynical, the cruel

Live on TOTP, Kylie tears of her face to reveal that she has been Cher all along... and everyone cheers.
