Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Mart: Brainwashed are seeking donations for experimental musicologist Andrew Mckenzie of Hafler Trio fame, who is seriously ill, and has recently been ejected from his place of work for being so. Further details can be found at the h3o site, and merchandise can be purchased at the haflertrio cafeshop site.


Thursday, October 17, 2002

"The NHS symbolises everything that is wrong with British society today... with its indiscriminate and promiscuous compassion." The BNP. So compassion is about discrimination is it? Compassion should always be promiscuous!!! Senseless, sick little animals.

(quote c/o the Anti Nazi Legue web site)

Burned husks of joy-ridden Escorts and Fiestas graze waste ground, between stations.

"The loudspeakers broadcast some noisy classical music while the SS stripped him naked and shoved a tin pale over his head. Next, they sicced their ferocious German shephards on him: the guard dogs first bit into his groin and thighs, then devoured him right in front of us. His shrieks of pain were distorted and amplified by the pain in which his head was trapped. My rigid body reeled, my eyes gaped at so much horror, tears poured down my cheeks, I fervently prayed that he would black out quickly.

"Since then I sometimes wake up howling in the middle of the night. For fifty years now that scene has kept ceaselessly passing and repassing through my mind. I will never forget the barbaric murder of my love -- before my eyes, before our eyes, for their were hundreds of witnesses..."

The Pink Triangle.

"I remember that the blondes had a scent similar to that of an electric toy train."

Abscent mindedly fondling cigarettes.
