Lose Weight While You Sleep!
"Spite Bar" must be what they call a meat rack. I’m the only guy here who’s not wearing a white shirt with a light-blue check. Trying to dance in an increasingly confined space – trying to avoid gazes and flirting porn dances. Dance as an advertisement for the way you behave between the sheets.
Professional tips to train your dog.... Make your dog do What you want When you want! Prevent "Doggy Destruction"
Judging by the décor and the dust, our hotel hasn’t had a guest in decades. Pictures of consumptive children stare back at you in corridors. The bathrooms are pure Edwardian: oversized, weighty, steam-powered. The rooms have antiquated cigarette dispensers beside the beds. A single cigarette for a penny. Our room has a retro-fitted shower: Perspex welded to the jaundiced wallpaper.
"Hi Helen, how is everything going with Bill and Bobby? We haven't seen you in quite a while and miss your cheery smile and bubbley demeanor. Things here in New York are OK, everyone is a little edgey with all that is going on and everything. Anyway, I hope to here from you soon and maybe we can get together... in the meantime, Nórtón Systêm Wõrks 2003 Sóftware Suite Prófessional Edition."
Gain an Extra 20% in Thickness
"HairGenesis is the only non-drug hair loss treatment that has been successfully tested in controlled and blinded research, demonstrating its safety and efficacy in the peer-reviewed and published medical literature."
Could life be better? Well, it's almost perfect, but I really wish that I could 'Grow More Breasts NOW!!!'