Rollo Kim Reporting

Rollo Kim, InvestigaSituationistal Journalist

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

John Lennon Vino

John Lennon Wine

Inspired by the posts below, I shall be developing a limited edition of 'John Lennon' white-wine. This wine will be be 'fortified' within a shrine-room, with images of the man himself, and some of his words, and will be fermented whilst under the influence of his music 24/7 until it is ready for consumption.

Anyone interested in purchasing a bottle of the wine should consider getting out more.

Happy New Year

Richard Herring

Rollo Kim

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It is with a heavy heart that I report to you that it seems that Sainsbury's stores little-published Wheat & Gluten Free beers all seem to now contain gluten.

Until very recently the UK supermarket sold a number of gluten-free beers {including one of very low-alcohol content} that were listed in their Wheat & Gluten Free booklets but did not feature the words 'Gluten Free' on the label. These products have undergone a package redesign and now bare the warning 'contains gluten'.

Anyway, on a plus side I guess I'll get more work done now...

Rollo Kim

Thursday, May 05, 2005

He was one of those people afflicted with the scarce, but not unheard of afflication of being born upper-class within an entirely working class family environment. Speaking softly the Queen's English, appearing at breakfest in a mustard silk waistcoat and matching paisley cravat, hair inexplicably brylcreamed, in a house seemingly void of brylcream, waistcoats, cravats. He was five years old.

Rollo Kim