You Know You Want To
You Must Be Out... of your Brilliant Mind... Burt and Ernie, eyes wheeling, shadows creeping, as they wait for the tub to fill... is it bath time already?
When you wait, in the limelight of the drinks machine, with smoke, and the musical crackle of food, when you retrace your steps to your coat, and it's time to go...
Another Liz Fraser site coming sooooon?!
"Everything now is such a "high standard of standardness". Everyone has a computer and a DTP programme, and a copy of Photoshop. And look where it gets us? Unreadable contentless magazines." Andrew McKenzie
"Digital sound is tiring for humans (engineers can work with analogue for much longer periods than with digital before encountering what is called "temporary threshold shift" - which in other words is deafness to certain frequencies)...people are infinitely more interesting than what they do."
The Hafler Trio
This man hates you. And you really need to download this mp3 of Christopher Walken being painfully funny.