Jeff Noon, John Hegley and a girl named Vita
So the site goes down on the day the quarterly invoice arrives. Irony? And I want to get some new MP3's up but I don't have the time. Got some lovely new things for you, oh yes!
Traffic with breakbeats
Singing with traffic
guitar and traffic
would you like traffic with that?
The point is... I forget... erm...
I'd tell you the truth but I promise you would not believe me.
Two things of interest today. One, I think I've subconsciously based my entire persona on
John Hegley: the hair, the mix of mundane and eccentric, the recurring themes - even the dogs... He's got nice taste in suits too.
Jeff Noon. Because I read
Cobralingus recently and it's not very good. No, I mean, it has some great concepts, but it seems somehow stiff, unpoetic? But that's just me - I like it lose and fluid - but apparently that's exactly what Mr Noon wants to do with words - turn them into a liqid.
Codex Books will publish it then surely I've a chance? I'm not 'sampling' material - my work is set out a little more conventionally, and it's a lot closer to a 'story' than bites of txt. Also, Jeff Noon used to have a thing about dogs too, and jam, which I was always going on about, even using this character called Jamboy [based on me own childhood superhero identity!?].
In the post this morning I also receive a photograph of Vita, a young lady who doesn't actually exist.
'I think this is vita,' reads the attached note, 'she has very big eyes!'
11:00pm News; The Adventures of John and Tony By John Hegley. Four comic journeys in which John and his best friend Tony search for happiness, love, the meaning of life and glasses. 1: `A Tale of Two Tenting'. John and Tony go camping with Herman Hessian - the dog made out of an old potato sack. They take their bikes and the scoutmaster's manual, which seems to be having a strange effect on Tony. With John Hegley and Simon Munnery. Director Anne Edyvean.
And more to the point, I've missed Giles Peterson again haven't I?